MIDI connection guide

WebMIDICon, built on the Web MIDI technology, makes it very flexible to use it with various MIDI appliances (DAWs and synthesizers), through various mediums.

Connection options

This part of the documentation will guide you through the different connection options, and how to set them up. Although the guides here are written for WebMIDICon, they can be used with any MIDI-enabled apps.

From To

From a macOS app:

To other apps on the same machine: IAC
To apps on Windows/macOS/iOS over Wi-Fi/LAN: RTP-MIDI
To apps on macOS/iOS/Android over Bluetooth: BLE-MIDI
To apps on iOS over USB: IDAM
To apps on Android over USB: USB-MIDI
To MIDI devices over USB: USB-MIDI

From a Windows app

To other apps on the same machine: IAC
To apps on Windows/macOS/iOS over Wi-Fi/LAN: RTP-MIDI
To apps on Android over USB: USB-MIDI
To MIDI devices over USB: USB-MIDI

From an iOS app

To other apps on the same device: IAC
To apps on macOS/iOS/Android over Bluetooth: BLE-MIDI
To apps on Windows/macOS/iOS over Wi-Fi/LAN: RTP-MIDI
To apps on macOS over USB: IDAM
To apps on Android over USB: USB-MIDI
To MIDI devices over USB: USB-MIDI

From an Android app

To apps on macOS/iOS over Bluetooth: BLE-MIDI
To apps on Windows/macOS/Android over USB: USB-MIDI
To MIDI devices over USB: USB-MIDI

From a MIDI device

To apps on macOS/iOS/Android over Bluetooth: BLE-MIDI
To apps on Windows/macOS/iOS/Android over USB: USB-MIDI