package tkt
Name | Summary |
A command-line interface created by the cli function. |
A logger instance created by the logger function or the ILogger#child method. |
Creates a command-line interface.
Name | Type | Description |
The global options which apply to all commands. See yargs API for details. |
Returns |
An ICli instance. |
export declare function cli<GlobalOptions extends {}>(globalOptions?: GlobalOptions): ICli<yargs.Argv<yargs.Omit<{}, keyof GlobalOptions> & yargs.InferredOptionTypes<GlobalOptions>>>;
invariant(value, message, extra)
Asserts state which your program assumes to be true. If it is false, an error is thrown.
Name | Type | Description |
The value to assert. |
The message format string to display on error. |
Optional values used to populate the message format string. |
Returns |
export declare function invariant(value: any, message: string, ...extra: any[]): asserts value;